New Ludum Dare game: The Recursive Dollhouse

Like a swift ninja skittering across a frozen lake, Ludum Dare 37 have come and went swiftly…

Hello, everyone! Sorry for the silent treatment, but we have a new game out! Inspired by an episode of Tales of the Unusual (Japanese version of Twilight Zone), we went full-on surreal: The Recursive Dollhouse is a very strange game about a very strange dollhouse. Created by Taro Omiya, Petey Pezzulo, and Graham Lerch, this open-source first-person puzzle game involves going in deep. Very, very deep.

Full Description:

​A very strange game about a very strange dollhouse. A surreal first-person puzzle game created in 72-hours for Ludum Dare 37.

This game is funded through Patreon. Many thanks to the following:

* Adam R. Vierra
* Joshua Jennings
* XanderHD
* Tommy Pedersen
* Jacob Clark
* David Lin

Made in Tech Valley Game Space!

If you can, please rate the game, and let us know what you think!

Link to

Link to GameJolt:

Link to Ludum Dare voting page:

Some screenshots!

April #1GAM and #LDJAM…again! Unconventional Stick Swinging Simulator

Well, that was quick. We’re back within a day with yet another Ludum Dare game, this time for the Jam (team development challenge). This game, made in less than a day, is called Unconventional Stick Swinging Simulator. Ever wanted to swing a stick unconventionally? Now you can! Experience the true art of swinging your really-long stick. Work hard to make it longer!

Link to

Link to GameJolt:

Link to Ludum Dare voting page:

Some screenshots!

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Make it Juicy: does it need a video?

Hey everyone. Now that the Make it Juicy presentation is in Beta, I’ve been debating about something: do I really need a supplementary video? At this point, every notes I had for the game are pretty much in the menu, and I think the game speaks for itself. I was wondering if, for any of you fans, you would want a video to go along with the presentation. I value all feedback, so thanks!

The updated presentation is available here:

Make it Juicy Presentation Update: Scores!

I am a little late on this update, but I added a scoring system to the game. I also added flashes and pauses into the game. I’m actually about 3/4ths done with this presentation, and hopefully by the end of tomorrow, have the entire demonstration finished (but not yet complete).

As usual, here’s the link. Any feedback to the presentation is welcome. As noted earlier, the intent is to make sure each iteration of the game actually improves from the player’s perspective.