New Ludum Dare game: The Recursive Dollhouse

Like a swift ninja skittering across a frozen lake, Ludum Dare 37 have come and went swiftly…

Hello, everyone! Sorry for the silent treatment, but we have a new game out! Inspired by an episode of Tales of the Unusual (Japanese version of Twilight Zone), we went full-on surreal: The Recursive Dollhouse is a very strange game about a very strange dollhouse. Created by Taro Omiya, Petey Pezzulo, and Graham Lerch, this open-source first-person puzzle game involves going in deep. Very, very deep.

Full Description:

​A very strange game about a very strange dollhouse. A surreal first-person puzzle game created in 72-hours for Ludum Dare 37.

This game is funded through Patreon. Many thanks to the following:

* Adam R. Vierra
* Joshua Jennings
* XanderHD
* Tommy Pedersen
* Jacob Clark
* David Lin

Made in Tech Valley Game Space!

If you can, please rate the game, and let us know what you think!

Link to

Link to GameJolt:

Link to Ludum Dare voting page:

Some screenshots!

April #1GAM and #LDJAM…again! Unconventional Stick Swinging Simulator

Well, that was quick. We’re back within a day with yet another Ludum Dare game, this time for the Jam (team development challenge). This game, made in less than a day, is called Unconventional Stick Swinging Simulator. Ever wanted to swing a stick unconventionally? Now you can! Experience the true art of swinging your really-long stick. Work hard to make it longer!

Link to

Link to GameJolt:

Link to Ludum Dare voting page:

Some screenshots!

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