April #1GAM and #LDJAM: Star Driller Ultra

Hey, guys! We’re back with a Ludum Dare game, this time for the Compo (solo development challenge)! After a lot of programming, grumbling, stress, and complaining the graphics is not pretty enough, we have Star Driller Ultra, a Star Fox-inspired space combat adventure where you play as a star drill! It’s up for voting right now! If you can, please rate the game, and let us know what you think!

Link to Itch.io: http://omiyagames.itch.io/star-driller-ultra

Link to GameJolt: http://gamejolt.com/games/shooter/star-driller-ultra/61422/

Link to Ludum Dare voting page: http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-31/?action=preview&uid=20557

Some screenshots!

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And for those interested, we have a time lapse, too!