Indie Con DC

Hey, everyone. A little reminder that in less than 2 weeks, I’ll be showing off my games at Indie Con DC. The event (for all ages) starts at 4:00 pm on August 3rd and ends 7:00 pm. Those 21 and over can participate in the bar after 7:00 pm, until 10:00 pm. The location will be at 4611 41st St NW, Washington, DC 20016.

Interested? You can reserve at Facebook or Meetup.

I’ll be showing off Touch Yoga and Prototype Monet. Hope to see you there!

Well, #OneGameAMonth, it’s time for plan B

One disadvantage about making 3 games at once is that at any one time, one of those projects will need more attention than the others. In this case, one of our project is trying to hit the IndieCade deadline, so Prototype: Monet is going to have to be delayed until July.

One advantage about making 3 games at once, though, is the massive list of backups to fill a #OneGameAMonth slot. Quite conveniently, e4 Software just ported ABCs Learn & Sing to iPhone, iPad, iPod, Kindle Fire, and Android! On top of that, it fits this month’s theme, educational! Wohoo!

All downloadables to The Sentient Cube removed

It is sad to inform all of you that I have removed all the downloadables to The Sentient Cube for legal reasons. I was recently informed that the main mechanics of Katamari Damacy are patented (edit: and also, it seems, Crazy Taxi). To stay on the safe side, I’ve deleted the source, webplayers, and executeables from my servers.

I want to be clear that I did not know about this prior to the Ludum Dare contest it was made for. I fully support the beloved game series, and wish for its continued success.

I want to thank all of you who supported and rated my game, and I truly apologize for the inconveniences.

Edit: Now that the dust have settled a bit, let me address a few things.

  • I did not receive a Cease & Desist order from Namco Bandai or Sega.
  • The take-down was entirely my decision, originally for legal safety.
  • Upon researching into multiple patents, the take-down will be permanent.
  • As mentioned above, every binaries and source codes were taken down. All links to them will simply 404.

Ludum Dare entry: The Sentient Cube

The Ludum Dare 26’s entry,  The Sentient Cube is now up and running!  You can play it here, online, or download the executable!

The Sentient Cube is an Action-Puzzle game that combines Katamari Damacy and Crazy Taxi into a unique adventure! You play as a blue, sticky cube that can roll into other objects smaller than itself to grow bigger. By increasing the cube’s size, the cube can reach to the Goal with more ease. Scattered around the level are various physics-changing items and power-ups. The Sentient Cube focuses towards the puzzle aspect ofKatamari, rather than its score-keeping.

Remember the game is available for voting on Ludum Dare’s website, so vote!