#OneGameAMonth July Entry: String Theory

Remember the prototype I was working on this month called, “Prototype: Monet”? Great news! I’m finally done with it, with a new title: String Theory!

For the uninformed, String Theory was intended to be a fishing simulation. It’s now a first-person puzzle game about gathering brightly colored objects by touching them with things attached to the fishing pole. As more objects are collected, more objects light up. Utilize this ability to reach to the red gate!

You can play the Unity webplayer here. I’ve also made Windows builds, both 32-bit (here) and 64-bit (here), and a Mac build (here)!

#OneGameAMonth Prototype Monet Progress: More Katamari Inspiration

This update is a day late, but now that I realize that collecting and swinging around the objects are what makes this game fun, I’ve added an extra challenge to Prototype Monet. Only objects that are brightly colored can be collected, and by collecting more objects, more objects light up. It’s pretty obviously from Katamari.

For testing as well, I’ve implemented a target you can fire at. It does nothing as of yet, but it’s there.

I’ll finally get around level designing next weekend, so stay tuned!